EPT – Estonian Open

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Estonian Open
Event dates: 14 – 16 July 2017
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Event website: http://www.estonianopen.skoorin.com
Event email: rasmussepp *at* hotmail.com
Event phone: +372 5170773
Tournament Director: Rasmus Sepp
Assistant TD: n/a
Players field: max 144, tee times (25 wildcards)
PDGA event page: http://www.pdga.com/tour/event/30625
Registration start date: 10 April, 12:00 GMT+2
Registration link: /estonian-open-registration
Players fees: MPO/FPO: €125,- *
* = +€5,- PayPal fees when paying via PayPal
Bank details: IBAN: EE12 2200 2210 6476 4019
Message: EO2017, Name, PDGA number, Division
Bank: Swedbank AS
Recipient: MTÜ Discgolf GO
PayPal details: address to be confirmed
Be sure to add PayPal fees (see above) to amount.
Registered players: /estonian-open-registered-players